Every day, £1.5m in Gift Aid is missed by UK charities 😲

Together we can help make missed Gift Aid a thing of the past by removing the burden of admin from charities and their supporters.

Swiftaid is an all-in-one automated Gift Aid service and digital intermediary that enables fundraising providers to offer a fully automated Gift Aid experience to their charities and donors through their platform or hardware.

Swiftaid believes that in order to fully automate Gift Aid it's important to create a solution that works across all methods of digital donation. To ensure this, Swiftaid is working closely with HMRC and the charity industry to create a technological solution that works for everyone.

Together we can build a future that has all the benefits of Gift Aid without the burden.

Key features:

✅  The only fully-automated Gift Aid service that works across multiple donation methods

1️⃣  One-time sign up for donors across all providers

🇬🇧  Solution backed by Innovate UK funding with academic rigour

🎗  Already working for online donations

📄  Operating within current Gift Aid policy

⏱  Saves time and removes burden of GDPR compliance/record keeping

📍  Single point of contact into an automated Gift Aid network

💰  Competitive pricing at 5% based on the amount of Gift Aid claimed

⏩  Fast and lightweight donor UI and charities